Easy Way SSH Tunneling for Unblock Internet / ISP Firewall + Free Account

on Thursday, August 2, 2012
SSH tunnels provide a means to bypass firewalls that prohibit certain Internet services – so long as a site allows outgoing connections. For example, at office users may be blocked by some firewalls to access to social websites such as facebook and youtube directly through 80 port. But users may not wish to have their web traffic blocked by the firewalls and filters and wish to be able to unblock facebook and youtube. If users can connect to an external SSH server, they can create an SSH tunnel to forward a given port on their local machine to port 80 on a remote web server to bypass those firewalls and filters to unblock facebook and youtube.

SSH Tunnel is a high anonymous method for protecting your pravicy. You won’t be recorded while you’re surfing whe websites.

MyENTunnel, which is quite reliable and also very fast for tunnelling. MyEnTunnel is a simple system tray application (or NT service) that establishes and maintains TCP SSH tunnels. It does this by launching Plink (PuTTY Link) in the background and then monitors the process. If the Plink process dies (e.g. connection drops, server restarts or otherwise becomes unreachable) MyEnTunnel will automatically restart Plink to reestablish the tunnels in the background. It tries to use as little CPU and system resources as possible when monitoring (When the “Slow Polling” option is enabled it only does one context switch per second).

Since it uses Plink, you can use utilities such as Pageant (a SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP and Plink) and PuTTYgen (a RSA and DSA key generation utility), as well as named PuTTY sessions. All of the networking and encryption is done by plink.exe; not by MyEnTunnel.

How to get port tunnel with MyEnTunnel
Software and profile settings are included and you can download at the link at the end of this article.

first, after you download the zip file, extract the file then extract also profile settings file into the same folder.

then run myentunnel.exe, then run myentunnel.exe, you will be able to see the software has been running in the systray. Right-click the icon and load profiles that have been copied.

after you click the connect button, a rsa key dialog box will appear, just click yes

and now myentunnel been connected with the host.

After connect to the server, your computer will turn into a local socks proxy with port you enter (e.g 7070), and set your browser proxy setting only for socks proxy port 7070 left another proxy setting empty.

For Firefox browser tools > option > advanced > network > settings

For Internet Explorer: tools > Internet option > connection > LAN setting > check “use proxy server for your LAN setting” > advanced

For profile setting that include server host, username and password you can download here..


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